1. In 1893,
Motorcycles in Indonesia was first owned by an Englishman named John C. Potter. Everyday J.C. Potter worked as a Machinist's first sugar mill Oemboel (read: Bannerman) Probolinggo, East Java.
Sepeda motor milik John C. Potter.
2. In 1899,
Present three-wheeled electric motorcycle that uses battery power, called De Dion Bouton Tricycle made in France. Three-wheeled electric motorcycle is also used to pull passenger wagon. De Dion Bouton Motorcycle pretty famous in his time.
Sepeda motor De Dion Bouton Tricycle.
3. 1902,
Present Belgian-made Minerva motorcycles are also used to pull the wagon. Minerva engines at once ordered and used on another motorcycle brand before it can make its own machines, including the Ariel Motorcycles in the UK.
Motorcycle Minerva
4. 1906,
Administrator Bantool (Bantul) in Yogyakarta also seem to have motorcycles and some cars. At that time, it is only the Dutch and English and native nobles followed with the ability to buy a motorcycle in the early days.
Bantul Administrator's motorcycle.
5. Touring clubs.
Along with the number of cars, the amount of motorcycles continues to grow. Thus was born the clubs touring motorcycles, whose members are senior planters and sugar mills.
One motorcycle touring club.
6. Year 1916 - 1926,
Various brands of motorcycles sold in the country, ranging from the Reading Standard, Excelsior, Harley Davidson, Indian, King Dick, Brough Superior, Henderson, to Norton. From motorcycles ads published in newspapers, RS Stockvis & Zonnen Ltd is one of the companies listed provide motorcycle spare parts.
7. In 1950,
Thousands of BMW motorcycles in Indonesia in two ways, namely through government channels (only officers are allowed) and via the private sector by building the exhibition and booking. In London at that time there were two, namely NV Spemotri the building is now a Bank Niaga in Dago, and CV Dennbarr in Simpang Lima Bandung. The most entered Indonesia is a BMW one-cylinder 249 cc, the R25, R26, and R27. BMW became a sort of official vehicles pacesetter state occasion such as guarding the entry flag to London on 28 September 1961. Rare variants BMW R51 / 2 500 cc 1952 output is believed there are only two in Indonesia.
BMW R51.
8. in the 1960s,
Vespa scooters come in Indonesia followed by Lambretta scooters in the late 1960's. At that time, also entered Japanese motorcycles, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki and the company recently. In the end, however, as also happens in the world, motor (auto) Japan eventually dominate the automotive market in Indonesia.
Route from Batavia to Surabaya.
Bikers in Indonesia can not be separated from the gurgle of the competition as riders abroad. Motorcyclist is trying to record a record trip across Java from Batavia (Jakarta) to Soerabaja (Surabaya), which is about 850 kilometers. The route passed from Batavia towards Bandung, Semarang, Blora, Tjepu, headed Soerabaja. the description below we can see, the record-breaking journey from Jakarta to Surabaya:
1. Dated May 7, 1917,
Gerrit de Raadt riding motorcycles Reading Standard posted a record trip from Jakarta to Surabaya in 20 hours and 45 minutes.
2. Dated May 16, 1917,
Frits Sluijmers and Wim Wygchel which alternately riding a motorcycle repair Excelsior recorded a record Gerrit de Raadt. They record 20 hours and 24 minutes, with an average speed of 42 kilometers per hour. Frits Sluijmers and Wim Wygchel which alternately riding a motorcycle repair Excelsior recorded a record Gerrit de Raadt. They record 20 hours and 24 minutes, with an average speed of 42 kilometers per hour.
Frits Sluijmers and Wim Wygchel.
3. Dated May 24, 1917,
Goddy Younge with Harley Davidson posted a new record with a time of 17 hours and 37 minutes, with an average speed of 48 kilometers per hour.
4. On 18 September 1917,
Goddy Younge record had lasted for five months before solved by Barend ten Dam Indian on a motorcycle in 15 hours and 37 minutes with an average speed of 52 kilometers per hour.
Barend ten Dam.
3. Dated May 24, 1917,
Goddy Younge with Harley Davidson posted a new record with a time of 17 hours and 37 minutes, with an average speed of 48 kilometers per hour.
4. On 18 September 1917,
Goddy Younge record had lasted for five months before solved by Barend ten Dam Indian on a motorcycle in 15 hours and 37 minutes with an average speed of 52 kilometers per hour.
Barend ten Dam.
6. 18 Agustus 1932,
Gerrit de Raadt yang pertama kali
membuat rekor 20 jam 45 menit kemudian memperbaiki rekor terakhirnya
menggunakan sepeda motor Rudge, dengan catatan waktu 10 jam 1 menit atau
tidak lebih dari setengah waktu rekor pertamanya. Saat inipun, menempuh
Jakarta-Surabaya dalam waktu 10 jam mengendarai motor merupakan
pencapaian yang tidak mudah. Sejak tahun 1934, rute Batavia-Soerabaja
tidak lagi hanya melalui Bandung yang jaraknya 845 kilometer, tetapi
juga melalui jalur utara (lewat Pamanukan) yang jaraknya lebih pendek 45
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